Blog Business

3 SBA Tips on Growing Your Small Business Staff

With Q2 just around the corner, you may be thinking of all the Spring cleaning needed around your office — closets, windows, and junk drawers, of course — but what about your hiring process? As many small businesses are ramping up for the busiest part of the year, owners everywhere are wondering “Do I hire?” When the answer is yes, there’s always the inevitable follow-up: “Well, how?”

If you’re wondering how to grow your small business staff, and how to manage it effectively, the U.S. Small Business Administration has those answers. From streamlining your hiring with a task list, to defining roles and setting new boundaries as The Boss, these tips will help you staff successfully. Take a coffee break and read these top tips for hiring your small business staff.

Blog Business

FDIC News: Cybersecurity for Your Small Business

By now we’re all fairly savvy shoppers when it comes to making personal purchases online. You know to look for the secured URL address before entering any payment information. You’ve also created an easy-to-remember but hard-to-hack password; but what about when it comes to protecting your small business online?


A recent FDIC Consumer News update included eight ways to better manage the cybersecurity of your business — ranging from your software to the soft skills of your employees. Ready to learn how to reduce risk, increase data defenses, and stay vigilant in the digital age? Read these top tips for small business cybersecurity.