General News

Employee Spotlight – Shane Sheppard

BlogShane Sheppard is Pinnacle Bank’s Mortgage Sales Team Leader, offering more than 21 years of mortgage sales and banking experience. 


Shane was born and raised in Augusta, GA, and educated at Augusta State University. He is a certified mortgage specialist through the School of Mortgage Banking in Georgia and a member of the Mortgage Bankers Association of Augusta. Shane has received many awards for customer service and revenue generation over the years. 


Besides the experience he carries in the banking industry, Shane has worked diligently to fundraise for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society and has volunteered with the Columbia County Exchange Club. He enjoys serving others and has found it can open doors to many personal and professional opportunities. 


In his current position at Pinnacle Bank, Shane provides a fresh look at some of the current issues facing the mortgage market, especially in Georgia. His focus and background in mortgage sales are essential to helping Pinnacle customers find the mortgage options that are right for them. 


When he’s not working, Shane enjoys spending time with his wife and children, coaching youth baseball, fishing and spending time outdoors. He’s also an active member of the St. Teresa of Avila Church.



You Need a Vacation – Take One

When was the last time you disconnected from your office – no phone calls, no emails, nothing? Consider this example: You’re on vacation, sitting on a beach chair, enjoying the sun. You have your phone with you to enjoy some music, and you decide to check your email. You see an email from your office, and you open it. Someone emailed you with a question, so you respond. Then you respond to another email and start thinking, “I can just do a few things while I’m sitting here.” Before you know it, you’re working on your “vacation.”

As a small business owner, it’s tempting to always be working. You may think, “time is money,” and most times, that’s true. But your mind and body must disconnect and unwind. Studies have shown that if you don’t take time off, you put yourself at risk for stress-related injuries and other health problems. In our current environment, you may find it a little more challenging to get away to the places you’d typically unplug and rewind, but there are still things you can do – and places you can go – to get away from it all.

Be Clear About Your Vacation Plans.
Once you’ve made plans to take a few days (or a few weeks) off from work, discuss the key tasks your staff will need to manage while you’re gone. Explain coverage assignments and create a back-up plan “just in case.” Talk to your key contacts or critical clients before you leave, so they’re aware of your plans. Additionally, be very clear about what you want to know while you’re away and make sure everyone understands what you consider to be an “emergency.”

After you’ve communicated your plans, put an “away from the office” notification on your email and any other locations you deem necessary. Just remember to respond to emergencies only while you’re on vacation; otherwise, your efforts before leaving will be for naught.

Stay Home or Go Away – It’s Up to You.
In today’s environment, you may not be able to visit your favorite vacation spot or relax on a cruise somewhere, but there are still many things you can (and should) do. Get outside and enjoy your pool or take a hike with your family. Binge-watch your favorite TV series or watch some of the movies you’ve wanted to see but haven’t. Get a massage, pedicure or manicure as a way to relax and get your mind off everything. Exercise at home or your gym. Maybe try a new format or stick to something you enjoy. Play board games or cards with your family. Whatever you decide, just be sure you’re relaxing and enjoying yourself each day.

Plan Activities to Help You Relax and Enjoy Your Time Off.
It’s your time to do what you enjoy. Set up a schedule and stick to it every day, so you’re not tempted to slip back into your regular habit of checking email or calling your employees. If you’re spending time with your family or friends, ask them to hold you accountable for relaxing. A simple nudge from a child, spouse or good friend will help you stay focused on what matters most.

Prepare For Your Return to Work.
If you’ve taken a vacation before and regretted it when you returned to the office, you didn’t prepare correctly. Take time the day before you return to work to prepare. First, scan your inbox and prioritize: delete it, delegate it or deal with it. Make a priority list to deal with the most pressing items first and work from there. Second, check in with your key staff to find out what happened while you were away. Ask them to update you via email before you return so you don’t have to spend time on the phone (on your last day of vacation) talking about work. Lastly, create your plan of the day for your first day back to work. By planning your priorities, you won’t become overwhelmed by your list of things to do, and you’ll be able to ease back into the swing of things.

While taking a vacation might seem impossible, it’s doable and something your mind and body need. Remember, the time you spend away from your business will help you rejuvenate, which may fuel new ideas and help you stay more focused in the future.


Sleep is Essential to Managing a Successful Business

Blog 2It’s 1 a.m. What are you doing? Hopefully, you’re sleeping – especially if you’re managing your own business. But many of us don’t get the sleep we need, which hampers our success in the long run.

Sleep experts say a good night of rest (usually around seven to eight hours of sleep) allows every system in our body to function optimally. In fact, sleep plays a critical role in our emotional and physical health, including our ability to combat illness.*

How can you get the rest you need to manage your business effectively? Here are a few tips to help:

  1. Go to bed at the same time every night. This is usually a difficult one, but you must establish a routine. Treat sleep as you would any other task and set it as a task with a deadline to accomplish every day.
  2. Avoid caffeine within 10 hours of bedtime. No, we’re not saying you have to cut out your morning coffee. But, it’s a good idea to cut caffeine out of your diet about 10 hours before your regular bedtime. So if you plan to go to sleep at 10 PM, try to avoid drinking caffeinated tea, coffee or soda (or even eating chocolate) after 12 PM.
  3. Prepare to nod off quickly. Do things before bedtime to help you relax and calm your mind – yoga, meditation, prayer, massage, or a warm bath. If you find that you’re tossing and turning for 20 or 30 minutes, get up, watch a little television or read. Do something to help you feel sleepy again and then go back to bed.
  4. Make your bedroom a comfortable place to sleep. Darken your room completely, which means you may need to turn off the television, turn your clock toward the wall, or wear an eye mask. And spend money on a comfortable mattress. If you wake up sore and in pain, that’s not ideal for getting right to work.
  5. Take a power nap if you need it. There’s nothing wrong with taking a brief nap during the day to feel refreshed. Close your office door (if you have one) and try to power nap for about 10-20 minutes. That little burst of energy is more effective (and healthier) than a shot of caffeine.

If you find that you’re still struggling to get the sleep you need, talk to a healthcare professional for advice. But, don’t put it off. Sleep is essential for optimal health and will help you manage your business effectively.






Use Content to Generate Leads in Five Simple Steps

Blog 3

Step #1: Use the Right Topics.

Good content requires that you start with relevant topics. Answer the following questions to generate a list of content ideas:

  • What mistakes do your customers typically make, requiring you (or one of your employees) to intercede?
  • What expertise do you have that others don’t? What advice do your customers or employees seek from you regularly?
  • What are the “hot topics” in your industry, and how do you address them?
  • Why is your business unique from other “like” businesses? How does your brand differ from others?

Step #2: Determine the Best Way to Deliver Your Content.

With your ideas in hand, you can decide which type of content to create. Here are some options to consider:

  • Video
  • Webinar
  • Blog
  • Guide or handbook
  • White paper
  • E-book

For example, a home organizer may want to create a “how-to” video series focused on tips for organizing homes in simple ways. On the other hand, a real estate agent may develop a weekly blog about the local market or what to consider when buying a home.

Talk to your staff and customers to get further insight. Find out what you think they’d like to learn from you, and how they’d like to receive it. Determine what medium is best suited for your business, or whether to use multiple options.

Step #3: Determine How to Create Your Content.

Now it’s time to write your content. You have three options to consider:

  1. Create it yourself,
  2. Delegate the task to a trusted employee (or group of employees), or
  3. Hire an outside freelancer or firm to help.

While all of these options are viable, you’ll need to choose one or a combination of the three that best suits your business plan.

Step #4: Make Your Website Your “Content Hub.”

House your content on a special landing page on your website. Typically, this landing page will have a simple “teaser” copy to entice visitors to read more or download your information. Or you may want your landing page to house your blog or video library. Just try to limit the clicks visitors make to reach the desired content.

No matter how you set up your landing page, though, you should allow visitors with a way to receive more exclusive content or future specials. You may also consider offering a subscription to a regular email, membership to a VIP group (or other special deal), or another way to drive business to the rest of your site.

Step #5: Promote Your Content 24/7.

Now that your landing page is ready to go, it’s time to drive customers (or prospective customers) to it. And once you set up your promotional efforts, you can drive people to your content while you sleep! Here are a few strategies to consider:

  • Create consistent posts on social media that drive people to the content on your site.
  • Use existing lists to email customers about new content and share why it may benefit them.
  • Use an existing email newsletter to feature your new content. Give your readers a sample of the information and ask them to share the link with anyone they believe it may help.
  • Select portions of your content to use for community presentations, special promotions, or any other purpose. The more the information is out in the market, the stronger your recognition will be.
  • Activate a pop-up feature on your website to push to your new content. That way, when visitors go to your site, they can click on it to learn more.

Ready to Get Started?

As you try new styles of content or ways of promoting it, take note of what works best with your customers – and then use that knowledge to set up your strategies going forward. If this all seems a little overwhelming, talk to a marketing professional to help you set everything up – or just a portion. The more you can push relevant content to the right customers, the more leads you’ll generate. And those leads will turn into lucrative sales and more loyal customers.

Blog Personal Saving & Budgeting

Four Ways to Build Wealth Using a Budget

Budgets are one of the best ways to manage your money. Yet, many don’t like to take the time to put a budget together. And once they create one, they find it challenging to stay within it. But did you know that creating and maintaining a reasonable budget can help you build wealth?

Here are four ways to build your wealth using a budget:

#1: Create Realistic Goals That Focus on Your Desired Future.

Before you begin to build your budget, you must define how your future looks. For example, where do you want to retire? When do you want to retire? Do you want to buy a home? If so, when? Do you plan to help your children with college expenses? Do you want to take your family on a big vacation, such as a cruise or some other faraway location?

The more specific you can be in defining your goals, the more likely you’ll achieve them. If you’re currently living paycheck-to-paycheck, a budget becomes even more valuable in achieving your goals.

#2: Make “Savings and Investments” a Line Item in Your Budget – Not an Option.

When we create a budget, we focus on our expenses – groceries, entertainment and housing. But we tend to overlook one important line item – savings and investments. When you make them a line item, it elevates their importance.

While we may not see “saving” or “investing” as an expense (because we’re earning money), it should be an “expense” in your budget, so you make sure you do it. So, for example, if you want to save $50 from each paycheck, account for that in your budget. That money is now unavailable to use for any other purpose.

#3: Focus on Income Options to Increase Opportunities to Invest in Your Future.

A big part of any budget is determining your income and recording it. For some, this is an easy process – you earn a regular, dependable paycheck and enter that amount. But for those who work on commission, or freelance with more sporadic income, this is not as easy; however, it’s doable. Typically, those who fall into the last category will need to estimate a monthly average based on their history – just be conservative in your estimation.

You may see that your income doesn’t cover as much as you might think. After you take out insurance, taxes and housing payments, there may not be a lot left. If you feel you need to earn more income, you have a few options to consider: 1) seek different employment, 2) get a part-time job or start a side gig at home, or 3) spend less. It all depends on your goals, your stage in life and the opportunities around you. But don’t just say, “I can’t do it.” There’s always a way to accomplish your goals.

#4: Identify Financial Waste to Make Room to Build Wealth.

To build wealth, you must spend less than you earn. Remember, excessive spending is a wealth destroyer, not a wealth builder. Budgets are a great way to keep track of your expenses and live within your means. And the easiest way to make room to invest is to make cuts to things you spend your money on each month.

Look at categories where you can make cuts and then use that money to invest in your future. Maybe you don’t need to eat out every day or scale back your entertainment budget. You can even mix it up each month – one month, you cut back on groceries, and then next month, your entertainment. As you continue to manage your spending, you’ll find ways to pay down debt, freeing up even more money to invest.

The important thing is that you’re consistently looking for more ways to invest – and fewer ways to spend. By keeping investing as an integral part of your budget, you’ll begin to build your wealth. 

Get Started With a Financial Planning Expert.

While many people understand the value of creating a budget or setting financial goals, most don’t know where to start, or where they should invest their money. Pinnacle Bank has partnered with Highland Trust Partners, LLC, to offer our customers a comprehensive wealth management program addressing their needs. Our partners have more than 60 years of combined experience helping families and businesses with their finances.

Get started today with your financial plan and live your financial goals.

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